Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Together

At Graceful Confidence we provide Guidance, Knowledge, and Insight for Safe and Healthy Relationships

Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a LIFETIME.

Our Mission

We seek to restore confidence, security, and freedom among those who experienced Intimate partner violence (IPV).

Our Vision

Eliminate all forms of exploitation and Intimate Partner Violence.

You are LOVED..

You are SMART..

You are KIND..


We aim to inspire others to take action, create a community where everyone can live free from violence, and eliminate all forms of exploitation. Together, we are stronger!

person in black long sleeve shirt holding white ceramic mug
person in black long sleeve shirt holding white ceramic mug
Our Flock Program
A Secure and Supportive Peer Group

Strong Program

Comprehensive Support focused on Life Skills

Together We are Stronger

Empower the Community with Knowledge, Skills, and Resources

woman reading book while sitting on chair
woman reading book while sitting on chair
woman reading book
woman reading book

We believe ...

Every individual deserves to live without fear of violence or exploitation, especially from a partner.

love shouldn't hurt-printed on back of woman
love shouldn't hurt-printed on back of woman